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It's Not ok, but it will be. 

life is worth it. 

The mission of the Life Is Worth It Organization is to educate youth and their communities on total life wellness to help prevent suicide. We provide workshops, programs, and curriculum to youth aged 10 to 24 and their communities to help them understand their physical, emotional, mental, and digital wellness so they can proactively take control of their health. We aim to inspire and encourage youth that although life might not but OK right now, it will be if we take the steps to care for our bodies and minds. 


Our Story

Life Is Worth It was founded in 2020 by Suicide Survivor and Mental Health Advocate Emma White. During a worldwide pandemic, it could have been the best or the worst time to launch an organization. They quickly realized it was the best time, as millions of people across the United States- especially youth, have been struggling with their mental health for years and want to learn how to help themselves and others.  LifeIsWorthIt.Org initially launched to serve as an online hub for youth to find resources and more information about mental health. The organization has transformed to now providing this total life wellness education to youth around the United States both virtually and in person. The organization is governed by advocates and experts who have a shared passion to change the mental health conversations and education in communities. We believe health and wellness is interconnected by physical, emotional, digital, and mental health and with the proper education, conversations, life skills and coping techniques, we can help prevent youth suicide. 

Meet The Team

Our sponsors + Partners

We are thankful for all who help us advance our mission in preventing youth suicide. Below are a few of our sponsors and partners, while others have asked to remain anonymous. 

Ideal Medical

this website is not monitored 24/7. If you are in crisis, please call 911 for medical emergencies or 988 for mental health help.  


Contact Us
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Instagram: @LifeIsWorthItOrg

Facebook: @LifeIsWorthItOrg

Registered TAX ID Number 92-0404527

@ 2024 Life Is Worth It. All Rights Reserved. 

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